Álvaro DÍaz Causes Pandemonium in México

Puerto Rican superstar, Álvaro Díaz caused quite the pandemonium in México when over 5 thousand fans showed up to listen to an exclusive preview of his forthcoming album, Sayonara, in Mexico City’s Centro Comercial Santa Fe.

Díaz was scheduled to do a Q & A with celebrated podcaster Hector Eli and host the listening booth which featured 3 unreleased songs but unfortunately had to get escorted out of the mall due to security concerns. After they shut down the mall, the activation was relocated to a nearby parking lot where over 3 thousand anxious fans followed.

That wasn’t all, Díaz also surprised fans with a “Llori Pari” at Supremo in Mexico City where tickets sold out in 2 minutes. Díaz invited his long-time collaborator Papi Sousa and Neon16 colleague Kris Floyd to perform and played his biggest hits for thousands of diehard fans. 

If that wasn’t enough, Díaz was invited to throw the first pitch at the Diablo Rojos’ baseball game, one of Mexico’s professional baseball teams which forms part of the Mexican baseball league. Díaz was met by hundreds of fans who came to cheer him on and in turn got his autograph.  

To finish his trip in México, Díaz hosted his final activation for the week at the Japanese Association in Mexico City. The Wish Tree installation, inspired by Japan’s Tanabata festival where wishes are written on pieces of colored paper, hung on bamboo stalks, and later floated on a river and burned as an offering, featured a giant wish tree inviting fans to write a wish and hang it on the tree. Most of the fans, instead of writing a wish for themselves wrote a wish dedicated to Álvaro and some even expressed that his music had saved their lives.

Initially, over 20 thousand fans RSVP’d to attend but due to the event’s capacity only 300 lucky fans were able to see and interact with the Álvaro and his wish tree.