Nickelodeon Animation’s all-new series, DORA is set to premiere April 12 on Paramount+. Starring Diana Zermeño as Dora and Kathleen Herles as Mami, the show will follow Dora’s adventures with herContinue reading
Category: Paramount+
Watch the Trailer for the Final Season of ‘EVIL’ streaming May 23rd on Paramount+
Paramount+ revealed the official trailer, key art, and premiere date for the final season of the fan-favorite and critically acclaimed original series EVIL. The series, which recently began production in NewContinue reading
Frank Grillo Joins Joins Season Two of Paramount+’s ‘Tulsa King’
Frank Grillo has joined the season two cast of Paramount+’s hit series, Tulsa King as a series regular. Grillo will play Bill Bevilaqua, a Kansas City mobster with interests inContinue reading
Final Season of “EVIL” To Premiere this May on Paramount+
Paramount+ announced that the final season of fan-favorite and critically acclaimed original series EVIL will premiere this May. Additionally, four bonus episodes have been ordered by the streaming service and are setContinue reading
Jon Hamm Joins the Cast of Paramount+ Original Series, “Landman”
Paramount+ announced that Emmy® winner Jon Hamm will join the cast of the upcoming original drama series LANDMAN in a recurring guest role. Hamm will play Monty Miller, a titan of the TexasContinue reading
Paramount+ Announces Second Season of “The Family Stallone” Set to Premiere on February 21
Paramount+ announced that all 10 episodes of the second season of the hit docuseries THE FAMILY STALLONE, starring Academy Award nominee Sylvester Stallone, wife Jennifer Flavin Stallone, and daughters Sophia, Sistine,Continue reading
Production Begins on Season Three of Paramount+’s “Mayor of Kingstown” starring Jeremy Renner
Paramount+ announced that production is underway on the highly anticipated third season of the acclaimed drama series MAYOR OF KINGSTOWN, starring Oscar nominee Jeremy Renner. From Oscar nominee Taylor SheridanContinue reading