Revry has acquired Strangelove, the groundbreaking comedy-drama series from acclaimed filmmaker Jorge Xolalpa, licensing the series for a four-year run. Season 1 is currently streaming on Amazon Prime and production on Season 2 is set to begin this summer.
Created by Xolalpa alongside showrunners Shelly Ro and Luis Adrian Lara, Strangelove explores the intersections of love, identity, and self-discovery within the modern queer experience. The series made its premiere at the historic TCL Chinese Theatre in September 2024 and has since garnered a growing fanbasefor its raw, heartfelt storytelling.
Xolalpa said:
Although none of the characters are explicitly depicted as undocumented, Strangelove is deeply personal.
Each main character carries a piece of me, making this series a true reflection of my experiences and the broader Latino community.
Notably, Strangelove marks a historic milestone as the first series on a major network helmed by a DACA recipient. With the evolving political landscape, Season 2 will delve into the immigration status of one of its central characters, adding another layer of authenticity and urgency to its narrative.
The cast includes rising talents Alexis Vazquez, Brandon Baez, Raury Rolander, and Edgar Segura, who bring humor, depth, and authenticity to the series.
Strangelove will continue streaming on Amazon Prime with its official streaming launch on Revry set for summer 2025.