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“To Write Love on Her Arms” Announces 13th Annual Suicide Prevention Campaign “Please Stay Alive”

Mental health non-profit To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) has announced its 13th Annual Suicide Prevention Campaign, “Please Stay Alive.” The campaign will kick off today (Aug. 15) and run through the end of Suicide Prevention Month this September.

TWLOHA is making help easier to find with valuable resources that are free and accessible at Access to these kinds of resources is life-saving. If you’re looking to get involved, you’ll find suicide prevention action steps and educational information, direct links to prevention training, personal stories, and more on their campaign website.

People can participate this year by purchasing a suicide prevention packdonating directly to the campaign, rallying their community to fundraise for mental health care scholarshipsstreaming on Twitch, joining the challenge on Facebook to complete 300K steps in September, and following @twloha and engaging with the conversations and community happenings online throughout the campaign.

All donations will go toward TWLOHA’s goal of raising $200,000, which will make it possible for the organization to provide scholarships to pay for mental health care and connect people to life-saving affordable resources through their FIND HELP Tool. When someone asks for help, they want to be able to say yes. Whether you donate or fundraise, your efforts will make healing possible.

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